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The authors
Edozie Ameke
Born in London of Nigerian parents, I've spent approximately 20 years working
in schools, colleges, Youth clubs and Community Centres as a Youth Worker and Learning Mentor. I have also worked with independent film production companies, and TV stations using the creative arts as a tool to help young people find themselves. In 2008 I wrote two short plays that were performed at Stratford Circus Theatre in London, and in 2013 I wrote my first novel called "The Fathers Day Redemption" which is on Amazon. In 2014 I set up my website, and now I'm focussing on developing and writing ideas for films and TV drama series and novels.
Marilyn Bond
I love travelling, and have written daily when I have been out on my adventures as a traveller; meeting the most interesting people, and experiencing some wonderful moments, exploring all my senses of sight, smell, sound, and taste.
When not travelling the world, I love to just look around my world and take in every detail of quirkiness, or common scenarios that suddenly take on significances.
So it is to this group, I came with my pieces of work. The group has challenged me to write outside my comfort zone.
Gloria Brown
I was born in the 1950's to West Indian parents who came here from Jamaica. I attended a local primary school just because my other six siblings went there. The school was chosen for its short distance, not academia. In other words it wasn't a particularly challenging environment. From there I attended an extremely large comprehensive school, which I feel failed a lot of us. When I informed my Careers Adviser that I wanted to be a writer/journalist - she told to opt for Woolworths instead. Writing today I've had a number of letters and some articles published. Writing makes me happy and it enables me to reach people through my work. I write because I can…
Enomwoyi Damali
Telling stories to my four children and now my grand-daughter too, has re-ignited my love of creative writing, nurtured when I was at primary school. With a passion for writing stories for young children, I am also thoroughly enjoying writing poetry based on real life experiences. The sources of inspiration are constant so while I can find umpteen excuses not to do the housework, I will always find time to write!
Brenda Garrick
I am a performer and writer living in South East London, where I was born. I love pens, books, and going to the library - WH Smith's was and still is my favourite shop! I was definitely a late bloomer as I read Drama and English at University as a mature student. I loved the English side of my degree, and it re-ignited my passion for writing! Follow this maxim - look at the child at 7 and see the adult at 27 - never a truer phrase has been said...
Jennifer Harris
Imagine an 8 year old in front of a classroom in the industrial Midlands… And you would see me! I always won prizes at primary school for writing, and being asked to read 1 of my stories to the Year 2 children... which drove my passion for writing and becoming an educator. I have always enjoyed laying on my bed reading or writing from an early age. I was a ‘Black’ Matilda (Roald Dahl (1988) home alone, latchkey kid with discouraging parent. My strong imagination helped to steal me away from the bleak reality of racism, 1970’s nylon fashion, and poor prospects evident at that time.
Leibert Kirby
I was born in Antigua, and moved to England in Nineteen Sixties with mother and siblings, to join Father. Attended grammar schools in Rugby and Leicester. Went to agricultural college and worked on farms. Did “A” Levels by correspondence. Married in 1972, and have two sons and four grandchildren. Worked as civil servant, salesman and self-employed. OU degree in Humanities. Love reading and writing. Involved with church. Keen on education, sport, current affairs and Caribbean history. I have benefited from being a member of a Writing Group in Lewisham and a Reading Group in Bromley.
Dezrene Martin
I was born in Kingston, Jamaica in the forties and I am the fifth child of ten. I came to England to my parents and lived in Nottingham before moving to London in the sixties. I have been writing for as long as I can remember, but I have never done anything with what I have written. I love writing because it helps me to express my feelings whether they are ideas of happiness or sadness. Writings brings me joy, and releases some of my bottled up experiences of my ups and downs through the journey of my life.
Alison Nwakwu
I was born in 1962 in Dartford, Kent, where I stayed until my early twenties. From an early age I enjoyed making up stories and poems and had a vivid imagination. As a child I loved spending time in our big wild garden and making up adventure stories, and stories about animals. I had a pony story included in Pony Annual when I was thirteen, and I have one poem included in an anthology a few years ago. Apart from that, I just write for pleasure and enjoy the monthly writing group meetings at my local library. I have completed a higher education certificate in creative writing at Birkbeck college in London, and also a writing for children course. Working as a Nursery Nurse I enjoy encouraging creativity and making up stories with the children.
Margaret Winstanley lives in London, and enjoys unleashing her creative side through her writing.
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